Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 Months Old

Lola & Jack are 5 months old now. Lola is weighing in at a big 15lbs, 11 oz and Jack at a whopping 17lbs. They both love their exersaucers and love playing side by side. They smile very readily and giggle at surprises like peekaboo. They both roll - Lola from stomach to back and Jack from back to stomach. They seem happy enough to not try the other way. We started them both on cereal today. Jack loves it and is very eager to use the spoon; Lola isn't very into it yet but, she likes to spit it out and rub it all over her face. Cereal time is quite messy. They are such hams and love to make you laugh. They have a new infatuation with the dogs now. When the dogs wrestle and play, the kids just stare and laugh at them. Marvin loves to bring toys to the kids in their exersaucers and then gives them kisses all over. Lola pushes him away but Jack just opens his mouth and closes his eyes - it's so funny to watch.

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